Nightcrawler – The devil inside
I am aghast. Appalled. Ashamed over myself.
What. The Bloody Hell. Happened?
Where is the happy-go-luck, swashbuckling, almost manopositive fuzzy elf? Where is my not-human-looking trickster? Who is this?
And where is his cute accent, btw?
Thirteen children have died absolutely horribly in a closed, guarded facility. One boy survived, but he’s so traumatized he wont speak about what happened. Only someone with teleporting abilities could have accessed the room, and we all know who that is, don’t we? Trying to solve the murders, save the boy (who is terrified at his appearance) and clearing his name, Kurt Wagner (tze encredeble Nightcrawler) sets out through Hell, shadows and limbo.
This is an interesting series, but…
….but it isn’t Nightcrawler!
He looks very human (only blue and with a tail and no pupils…alright, but you know what I mean).
He has no accent.
He has no sense of humour at all (I’ll never live down this but…Wolverine is the funniest person in this story. And he’s got a really cool hat, too)
He’s got an intimacy problem with women so huge it makes Wolvie look normal.
There are so many Nightcrawler-in-the-shower scenes you start to get suspicious.
The most interesting person around is Kurts foster-sister/ ex-lover (and that’s just plain icky) Amanda.
I am so disappointed I’ll sulk for a week. Why, oh why does some people find it impossible to leave some of their natural humour to the PECS? Legolas, Nithcrawler…it’s a conspiracy, I tell you…
Your two gay pet snakes have heard rumors? About Satans most inner cirkel? Like his book club you mean?
This is the 4:th book with a title starting ‘night’ that I review here (Nightcrawler, Nightwatch (Lukyanenko), Nightrunners, Nightwatch (Pratchett) . Hrm…something Freudian, mayhap? ;oP