A Song for Arbonne – Guy Gavriel Kay ****
I’ve always considered it a measure of how good a book is how quickly you read it. I read this one in two days and my eyes are still, when writing this, red.
I don’t think there is such a thing as being disappointed in a Kay book. ASfA is not (in my not very humble opinion) as jaw-dropping surprising as
Tigana, nor did I cry as much as from The
Fionavra Tapesry, but it is still on the very pillars of splendid fantasy. The characters are so real. The plot so very believable. The excitement tangible.
Set in an alternative version of Italy, with the threat of northern countries hanging over it, the story’s winding intrigues and deeply hidden secrets will be revealed during a year that will change the world forever.
It will surprise no one who know me, I think, to learn that my favourite character (whom, btw, do not have pointy ears) is the clever, witty, amusing assassin Rudel Correze. But there are lots of loveable persons here, as well as some ambitious, some weak, some clever, some tricky once. And although, like I said, I pride myself immensely by figuring out a few of the elements ahead of time there are still many that hit me from nowhere. The end, especially.
And for Emilia....I do believe his father lied in the end. I really do.
Not, I would say, Kays best book. But from such an author, that is still saying its cut far above most other work out there. One of this years best reads!
Oh, and on a more personal note….Rebecka, you might not want to read this book. It has lots of those things you don’t like. You know, words that rhyme, and poetry and such…. ;oP