
Nästa träff är den 9 maj. Boken som ska läsas är Samuel J Delaney's Babel 17. =)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Final Fantasy VII - Advent children

Advents Children - Final Fantasy VII

I am aware that Anna has already rec:ed this movie, but here's my view.

I spent *years* on this game, and I missed it terribly once I was done. So perhaps I still recall a bit more of the backstory. Because if you don't, or if you never played the game at all, you will stand no chance here.
Pic: Reno and Rude, because I adore them

In the aftermath of Sephiroth's twarted attempt to destroy the planet, the Lifeforce overreacted and is now causing a syndrome called Geostigma amongst anyone that has been exposed to Jenova cells. Naturally, Cloud is one of them. Now far from his adventuring life amongst Avalanch, he is a messenger boy delivering mails when he gets attacked by a gang of pale Sephiroth copies who tried to get him to tell them were 'mother' is. Getting his spikey ass kicked, the gang, Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz leaves Cloud. Shortly after it's revealed that the gang kidnaps and brainwashed children of the city to help them find 'mother' - Jenovas cut of head, wich they need for their reunion. In the reunion, mankind will be destroyed, Jenova will return and Sephiroth will come back from the dead.

For anyone who didn't get it so far, this is not a good thing.

Fortunatelly, the old gang returns, and with some help from Rufus and the Turks, Kadaj is driven back. But not before he get his hands on Jenovas head.
Pic: Sephiroth - in the dreams and nightmares of fangirls everywhere

And Sephiroth returns with a vengance, althugh probably not in the way Kadaj had meant him to....

Cons of this movie: Even for me there is such a thing as a 'too damned long fightning on motor bikes in abandoned tunnel' scene. There is however no such a thing as a 'too long fighting Brahamut Sin and destroying half the city' scene, not as long as it has Cid and Vincent in it.

Pros of this movie: The return of beloved characters: Reno, Sephiroth, Cid and Vincent and so on.

Cloud: Is there such a thing as getting your sins forgiven?
Vincent: I don't know. I've never tried.
Cloud: Well, I'm going to try. I'll phone you in a verdict.
Vincent (quietly as Cloud walks away): But...I don't have a phone.

Pic: Vincent Valentino aka 'Spooky'
There are far to few Cid pic's in this world. *Sulk*


Anna said...

ooo* den här filmen är inte jättebra men för oss som diggade spelet är det lite som manna från himlen... och jag älskar sephiroth som skurk! och jag älskade verkligen spelet också när det begav sig. håller helt med dig susanna - man kan inte ha en för lång scen med bahamut... det enda som saknas är fler monsterslagsmål - vad jag minns åkallade man ju både leviathan, shiva och någon form av enorm tjur... sade jag att jag älskade spelet? =D

Susanna said...

Och en demon! Och en kamikatze - chokobo! Har du kvar spelet? Min första skiva fungerar inte...

Sephiroth blev framröstad som tidernas bästa spelskurk, och jag förstår varför. Han är bara underbart ond. Jag tror jag fick min första hjärtinfarkt någonsin när han dödade Aeris.

Anna said... trodde liksom inte att det kunde vara sant att hon dog. men hallååå - hon är ju en av Hjältarna liksom...
SÅ bra spel! =D

vi spelade det på playstation tror jag - det är möjligt att syrran har det kvar. annars får vi vänta på sentimentalutgåvan som brukar komma - kompatibel med våra moderna maskiner! =)


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