
Nästa träff är den 9 maj. Boken som ska läsas är Samuel J Delaney's Babel 17. =)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Drawing Blood

Poppy Z Brite

Young boy Trevor wakes up one morning to find that his father has murdered all other memebres of the family and then hanged himself. Obessesed with finding out why he was spared, Trevor returns fifteen years later to the haunted house to try to find his answers.

Zack is promiscus computer hacker on the run from FBI who ends up in the same haunted house. Finding an unexpected tenderness and love for the lanky and weird Trevor, Zack helps Trevor to confront his father in the mysterious Birdland, a product of Trevors father's imagination that lingers in the house.

But is the obsessive Trevor really strong enough to fight his father's influense? Problems heaps up as the FBI draws closer, and as Trevor realises that the answer he might be missing is not why he was spared, but how it felt to kill someone...

Not as icky as the other books (and not as good, either), still warnings about drugs, explicit sex and some violence


Anna said...

förutom sexet har denna aningens 'otherland-vibbar' att döma av din rec, susanna. är det så när man läser också?

Susanna said...

Nja, det är lite för mycket blod och droger involverade för en Tad Williams bok. Och det är lite mer 'ondska finns inom oss alla' tema.

Anna said...

tad williams är ju tämligen snäll av sig... ibland nästan lite mesig i sin stil - men oftast bra ändå.
skulle gissa att han står rätt långt ifrån poppy... ;-)


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