
Nästa träff är den 9 maj. Boken som ska läsas är Samuel J Delaney's Babel 17. =)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lost Souls

Lost Souls - Poppy Z Brite

In a frenzy of drugs, blood and drugs that has lasted for centuries, the vampires Zillah, Molochai and Twig has been carving a bloody trail through out America. When they show up, unexpected and highly dangerous, one late Mardi Gras night at Christians bar, they will change his pace of life that has lasted for alomst four hundred years. For, like them, he is a vampire but one's whos carefullness has all but locked him inside his bar.

During the night, Zillah impregnates a young girl (who's not at all as innocent as you might think) and when the three ravenous vampires leave in the morning, Christian is left with the girl, and once she dies in childbirth (wich happends to all who carry vampire children - practice safe sex) with the child that he names Nothing.

Trying to save Nothing from his bloody birthright, Christian leaves the child with a couple who raised him as their son.

But thoughful and desperate, it will soon be obvious that Nothing is not a normal child and as he runs away to find his favorite rock band Lost Souls, he will meet up with his father again and Nothing will be the same ever again.

For Lost Souls concists of Steve and the frail looking Ghost, a powerful seer who might be the only one who can save Nothing - but not unless he realises what Nothing really is. And in the mean while Steve is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he raped his girlfriend in a drunken fit of rage, and might need all of Ghost's help himself.

More squicks - incest, twincest, murder, rape

The realisation that this book no longer icks me, makes me wonder just how jaded I've become. But I still love the language, that is something.


Anna said...

skriver poppy bara *icky* books? i så fall är det kanske tur att hon (? poppy är väl inget mansnamn - hoppas jag...) har skrivandet som utlopp...

Susanna said...

Poppy är en kvinna. Och hon skriver bara icky/squicky böcker.

Det är förvånandsvärt hur mycket ondska man kan tillåta sig själv mot sina fiktiva karaktärer, som man aldrig någonsin skulle ha ens tänkt på annars.

Anna said...

är lite faschinerad av hur man ens kommer på ondskan... men jag har alltid varit lite naiv som bekant...;-)


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